Our Publications



  • Braithwaite J, Hollnagel E, Hunte GS. (2019) Resilient Health Care Volume 5: Working Across Boundaries Taylor & Francis Group. (link)
  • Hollnagel E, Braithwaite J, Wears RL. (2018) Delivering Resilient Health Care Volume 4 Abingdon, UK, Taylor & Francis. (link)
  • Hollnagel E. (2017) Safety-II in Practice – Developing the resilience potentials. Routledge.
  • Braithwaite J, Wears RL, Hollnagel E. (2016) Resilient Health Care, Volume 3: Reconciling Work-as-Imagined and Work-as-Done. CRC Press. (link)
  • Wears RL, Hollnagel E, Braithwaite J. (2015) Resilient health care. Farnham, Volume 2: The resilience of everyday clinical work.
  • Hollnagel E, Braithwaite J, Wears RL. (2013) Resilient health care. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
  • Iedema R, Mesman J, Carroll K. (2013) Visualising Health Care Practice Improvement: innovation from within.
  • Rowley E, Waring J. (2011) A social-cultural perspective on patient safety. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.

Articles / Journal Papers / Book chapters

  • Damen NL, de Vos MS, Moesker MJ, Braithwaite J, de Lind van Wijngaarden RAF, Kaplan J, … Clay-Williams R. (2021) Preoperative Anticoagulation Management in Everyday Clinical Practice: An International Comparative Analysis of Work-as-Done Using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method. Journal of Patient Safety, 17(3), 157-165.
  • Braithwaite J, Clay-Williams R, Taylor N, Ting HP, Winata T, Hogden E. (2020) Deepening our Understanding of Quality in Australia (DUQuA): An overview of a nation-wide, multi-level analysis of relationships between quality management systems and patient factors in 32 hospitals International Journal for Quality in Health Care, DUQuA Supplement, 32(Supplement 1), 8-21 (link).
  • Braithwaite J, Clay-Williams R, Taylor N, Ting HP, Winata T, Arnolda G, et al. (2020) Bending the quality curve International Journal for Quality in Health Care, DUQuA Supplement, 32(Supplement 1), 1-7. (link)
  • Clay-Williams R, Taylor N, Ting HP, Winata T, Arnolda G, Austin E, Braithwaite J. (2020) The relationships between quality management systems, safety culture and leadership, and patient outcomes in Australian Emergency Departments. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, DUQuA Supplement, 32(Supplement 1), 43-51. (link)
  • Clay-Williams R, Taylor N, Winata T, Ting HP, Arnolda G, Braithwaite J. (2020) Organisation quality systems and department-level strategies: refinement of the DUQuA organisation and department-level scales International Journal for Quality in Health Care, DUQuA Supplement, 32(Supplement 1), 22-34. (link)
  • Iflaifel M, Lim RH, Ryan K, Crowley C. (2020). Resilient Health Care: a systematic review of conceptualisations, study methods and factors that develop resilience. BMC health services research, 20, 1-21. (link)
  • Taylor N, Clay-Williams R, Ting HP, Arnolda G, Winata T, Hogden E, Braithwaite J. (2020) Do organisation-level quality management systems influence department-level quality? A cross-sectional study across 32 large hospitals in Australia. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, DUQuA Supplement, 32(Supplement 1), 35-42. (link)
  • Wiig S, Braithwaite J, Clay-Williams R. (2020) It’s time to step it up! Why safety investigations in healthcare should look more to safety science International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Volume 32, Issue 4, May 2020, 281-284. (link)
  • Braithwaite J, Hollnagel E, Wears RL. (2019) Bon voyage: navigating the boundaries of resilient health care. In (eds): Resilient Health Care Volume 5: Working Across Boundaries Taylor &Francis Group, 9-14. (link)
  • Fylan B, Marques I, Ismail H, et al. (2019) Gaps, traps, bridges and props: a mixed-methods study of resilience in the medicines management system for patients with heart failure at hospital discharge. BMJ Open, 2019;9:e023440. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023440. (link)
  • Ruiter PJA. (2019) Disengagement in health care: today’s new culture Canadian Journal of Physician Leadership, Vol 5, Number 3, 165-169. (link)
  • Ruiter PJA. (2019) Engagement: it’s all about the how of implementation Canadian Journal of Physician Leadership, Vol.6, Number 1, 24-29. (link)
  • Ruiter PJA. (2019) Patient safety in a new age of understanding Canadian Journal of Physician Leadership, Vol. 5, Number 4, 222-227. (link)
  • Schutijser BCFM, Jongerden IP, Klopotowska JE, Portegijs S, de Bruijne MC, Wagner C. (2019) Double checking injectable medication administration: does the protocol fit clinical practice? Safety Science, 118, 853-860.
  • Zhuravsky L, Lofquist EA, Braithwaite J. (2019) Creating resilience in health care organisations through various forms of shared leadership. In (eds): Resilient Health Care Volume 5: Working Across Boundaries Taylor & Francis Group, 53-66. (link)
  • McNab D. (2016) Understanding patient safety performance and educational needs using the ‘Safety-II’ approach for complex systems. Taylor & Francis Online. (link)
  • Sujan MA, Huang H, Braithwaite J. (2016) Learning from incidents in health care: critique from a Safety-II perspective. Safety Science, 99A, 115-121.
  • Sujan M, Spurgeon P, Cooke M. (2015) The role of dynamic trade-offs in creating safety—A qualitative study of handover across care boundaries in emergency care. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 141, 54-62.
  • Brattheim B, Faxvaag A, Seim A. (2011) Process support for risk mitigation: a case study of variability and resilience in vascular surgery 20(8), 672-79.
  • Furniss D, Back J, Blandford A, et al. (2011) A Resilience Markers Framework for Small Teams. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96(1), 2-10.
  • Furniss D, Back J, Blandford A. (2011) Unwritten Rules for Safety and Performance in an Oncology Day Care Unit: Testing the Resilience Markers Framework. Proceedings of the Fourth Resilience Engineering Symposium.
  • Shojania KG. (2010) The elephant of patient safety: What you see depends on how you look. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 36(9), 399-401.
  • Emanuel L, Berwick D, Conway J, Combes J, Hatlie M, Leape L, … Walton M. (2009) What exactly is patient safety? Journal of Medical Regulation, 95(1), 13-24.
  • Jeffcott SA, Ibrahim JE, Cameron PA. (2009) Resilience in healthcare and clinical handover. Qual Saf Health Care, 18, 256–60.
  • Leape LL. (2009) Errors in medicine. Clinica Chimica Acta, 404, 2–5.
  • Mesman J. (2009) The geography of patient safety: A topical analysis of sterility. Social Science & Medicine, 69, 1705-1712.
  • Brown C, Hofer T, Johal A, Thomson R, Nicholl J, Franklin BD, Lilford RJ. (2008) An epistemology of patient safety research: a framework for study design and interpretation Qual Saf Health
    Care, 17, 158–162.
  • Vincent C, Aylin P, Franklin BD, Holmes A, Iskander S, Jacklin A, Moorthy K. (2008) Is health care getting safer? BMJ, Volume 337, 1205-1207.
  • Stelfox HT, Palmisani S, Scurlock C, Orav EJ, Bates DW. (2006) The ‘‘To Err is Human’’ report and the patient safety literature. Qual Saf Health Care, 15, 174–178.
  • Wears RL, Perry S, McFauls A. (2006) “Free Fall” – A Case Study of Resilience, Its Degradation, and Recovery in an Emergency Department. the Second Resilience Engineering Symposium.
  • Amalberti R, Auroy Y, Berwick D, Barach P. (2005) Five System Barriers to Achieving Ultrasafe Health Care. Ann Intern Med., 142, 756-764.
  • Leape LL, Berwick DM. (2005) Five Years After To Err Is Human: What Have We Learned? JAMA, May 18, Vol 293, No. 19, 2384-2390.
  • Westrum R. (2004) A typology of organisational cultures Qual Saf Health Care, 13 (Suppl II), ii22–ii27.
  • Woods DD, Cook RI. (2002) Nine Steps to Move Forward from Error. Cognition, Technology & Work, 4, 137–144.


  • de Vos MS. (2018) PhD thesis: Healthcare improvement based on learning from adverse outcomes. Leiden University, 1-245 (link)
  • Hollnagel E, Wears RL, Braithwaite J. (2015) From Safety-I to Safety-II: A White Paper. (link)
  • Hollnagel E. (2012) Proactive approaches to safety management. London: The Health Foundation (link)