10 September 2024
The 11th webinar : How can resilient healthcare be written into policy at all levels in the healthcare system?

The Youtube video is here.
The eleventh webinar took place on September 10, 2024.
RHCS Webinar Series
How can resilient healthcare be written into policy at all levels in the healthcare system?
Tuesday 10th September
Dr. Carl Horsley – Intensivist, Critical Care Complex at Counties Manukau Health, New Zealand.
Dr. Jan-Willem Weenink – Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, the Netherlands; Bureau of Health Information, and the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity at University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Ruth Baxter – THIS Institute Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Leeds.
Abstract: Clinicians, policymakers and researchers all agree that health care systems need to be resilient, but a shared understanding of how and in what way is still a lacking in daily practice and in policy documents. Carl and Jan-Willem will guide us on a discussion on how and why resilient healthcare can and should be written into policy at all levels in the healthcare system.
There will be time for discussion and questions after the conversation.
Speaker Biographies:
Dr. Carl Horsley is an Intensivist working at Middlemore Hospital with a background in Emergency Medicine. Within this role his focus has been on the practical application of Resilience Engineering in healthcare settings and the use of simulation to build resilient teams and test systems. He has completed his MSc in Human Factors and System Safety at Lund University, with a thesis focused on the sociology of safety.
Dr. Jan-Willem Weenink is a health services researcher with over 10 years of experience in the Dutch and Australian healthcare systems. His research focuses on quality and safety of healthcare, regulation of healthcare professionals and performance measurement and reporting. He currently works as an Assistant Professor within the Healthcare Governance section, leading research projects on healthcare regulation. Additionally, he is Programme Director of the Health Care Management master. Jan-Willem completed a bachelor’s degree in biomedical sciences, a master’s degree in health technology Assessment and a PhD in Medical Sciences. Previously, he held positions at IQ healthcare at Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and at the Bureau of Health Information, and the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity at University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
Time Difference:
Sydney time: 7:00 pm Tuesday 10th September
Tokyo time 6:00 pm Tuesday 10th September
NZ time – 9:00 pm Tuesday 10th September
Norway time 11:00 am Tuesday 10th September
Netherlands time 11:00 am Tuesday 10th September
UK time 10:00 am Tuesday 10th September
Florida time– 5:00 am Tuesday 10th September
Brazil time – 7:00 am Tuesday 10th September
Vancouver time– 2:00 am Tuesday 10th September
>> PDF file